Acro Yoga

‘What if I fall? – Oh but my darling, what if you fly?’




It’s the weekend!!! 🙂 The first week of my Yoga Teacher Training is now officially completed. Usually we have Saturday afternoon and the whole Sunday off, but yesterday we did an Acro Yoga workshop.

Acro is something I had never really played around with before. It’s kind of scary to be lifted up so high in the air! I paired up with Mika, an amazing yogi that’s also doing the teacher training with me. He’s really fit and has amazing balance (we always practice our handstands together during breaks, he’s so good!) so that helped a lot for me to trust him not to drop me.

Even though it was supposed to be a beginner class we did pretty advanced stuff. So cool! In no time Mika was swirling me around on his feet 🙂 In Acro you always work in pairs of three: a base, a flyer and a spotter, so that helps with the fear, too.

I’m definitely keen to play some more, it couldn’t be more fun!