Practice Makes Perfect…

… even though the control over my handstand is still pretty far from perfect 🙂 I have started practicing the infamous Adho Mukha Vrksasana at the beginning of the year. It has always been one of those poses that has fascinated but at the same time scared me. Balancing on only the palm of my hands seemed a goal far out of reach.

I had this mindset that you have to go about inversions step by step. First I learnt to headstand and quite frankly now feel super confident with it. It’s my go-to inversion on wobbly days, it feels safe and secure. Next, I began to work on my forearm balance. And oh man, that has taken some time and patience. I spent endless hours on my mat figuring out where my balance point is. The first time I managed to combine it with a backbend bending my legs and bringing my feet closer to my head I could have died from excitement. It’s the most rewarding feeling in the world to experience how some hard work has paid off. Through time I have gained much confidence on my forearms, too, but somehow handstanding was still nothing I even considered within reach.

Until one day I practiced with my sister Kat in the living room of our flat and she just popped right up into a handstand and held it for a couple of seconds. My jaw dropped! I could only stare at her, awe-struck. She didn’t make a big deal out of it, simply gave it a go and the results were absolutely amazing 🙂 She wasn’t stuck in a weird mindset like me, holding back to follow a predetermined, supposedly safe path. That really turned things around for me 🙂

I started cautiously trying to kick up every day. And by cautiously I mean baby steps! 😉 I could only fully embrace the handstand practice when I came to Goa in february. All seemed to click and the fear of falling was completely taken away by the promise of landing on soft, white Indian sand 🙂 I’ve been addicted ever since 🙂 🙂 🙂

Getting upside down is the best feeling in the world for me. I don’t nearly hold every single handstand that I attempt, but I’m stoked to say that I’m getting closer every day. I can hold about 5-6 out of 10 tries, some days more, some days less. I still get tremendously stoked every time it happens. My handstand practice has helped me to fully embrace what my body is actually capable of. Lately, as I’ve gotten more confident, I’ve started working on leg motion while balancing. Nothing has ever felt sweeter 🙂 Check out what this looks like in a little video that I’ve just uploaded on my Instagram account (name: openheartedness)!

One day (hopefully not too far away) I will be able to stand completely still in my handstand, working all kinds of different variations with control and grace. Until that day comes I will practice daily, put in the work, and trust the process.

Have a happy Sunday! From my great soul to your great soul.




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